The labyrinth in the East
– the game –

Maria Rebecca Ballestra, in collaboration with Wen Chin Fu
Inner game, 2017
Participatory work
Prints on paper, microphones, screen, conductive ink, video camera, table, chair
Various dimensions

In Eastern culture, the labyrinth has always been characterised by a ludic dimension, linked with the sphere of game. In this section of the project, Maria Rebecca Ballestra, in collaboration with Wen Chin Fu, realises a participatory work in which the audience is invited to complete the work started by the two artists by means of simple and recreational actions.

In particular, the fragmented traces of some forms of labyrinths, taken from Chinese culture, can be found on the walls: visitors are asked to fill the gap by completing the labyrinths as they wish, following unpredictable and completely subjective paths. Moreover, texts by Julien Friedler displayed on papers complete the installation and the audience is asked to further integrate them with their own thoughts, drawings, or graphic interventions. The final product of the audience’s participation will become part of the definitive installation, complete with the recording and broadcasting of the audience’s actions during the progressive development of the project itself.

Centro di Salute Mentale, Parco Basaglia, Gorizia
10 October – 5 November 2017
Mon – Sun, 10 am – 6 pm

10 Ottobre 2017 6pm, Centro di Salute Mentale: Inauguration of Labrys

In commemoration of World Mental Health Day, the hall of the Centro di Salute Mentale of Gorizia will host the presentation of the whole project and of the first two stages of Labrys.

Fragment nr. 50 from “The Truth of Labyrinth”

Le Trait expression symbolique du Témoin (en l’homme) s’exprimera sous forme existentielle en une qualité rare, par définition: le discernement, la capacité de voir l’Autre avec justesse en somme, la sagesse d’une bonne appréciation des différences entre les objets (physiques ou spirituels).

Dans le magma informe des pensées, sentiments, afflictions ou phantasmes, discerner reviendra à définir les limites d’un objet spécifique et singulier (discerner dans un accès de colère les faux semblants du légitime, et la force de recadrer l’affect et le comportement, quand ils s’imposent en aveugle). Un autre point de vue s’appliquerait à la perception d’un tableau: il y a l’impact immédiat et la contemplation éclairée qui montre avant de dévoiler.

Le discernement refroidira toujours la passion, de sorte à adoucir, faire comprendre, distinguer le juste milieu noyé par les flots impétueux du mental. Un exercice qui, réitéré, aura cette ambition: de discerner ce qui disjoint l’Ego du Sujet Global (celui qui ressent n’est ce qui se ressent).